Home Made Stuffing (With an AirFryer)
Like many people I got on to the Airfryer bandwagon a few years ago (they're amazing - get one!), I've developed a bit of a repertoire with it and so I've decided to start writing-up some of the things I cook in it.
Tonight is 'roast' night (which I will use it for) but this morning I realised that I didn't have any stuffing mix... so I made my own! Here are the steps:
1) Take 5-6 slices of bread (whatever you have around) and dry them out in the air fryer on a low heat, around 120 degrees, for about 25 mins.
2) Once they're dry put them in a bowl and crunch/rub them between your hands to create breadcrumbs. You can put some of the larger chunks to one side to top the finished mixture if you want to.

3) Add some butter, sage, pepper, salt and a small finely chopped onion (you might want to fry-off the onions first).

4) Slowly add hot/boiled water (probably about 500ml) and stir until the mixture is a light, doughy texture.Â

5) stir in a small carrot finely grated.

6) Put the mixture into a greased oven-proof container, top with the chunks if you saved them and spray with a little oil to make the top go crisp.

7) When you're ready to cook it, put it in the oven for about 40 mins at 180 degrees, you could also cook it in the air fryer if you have space in which case reduce the time to 25-30 mins.
I'll be cooking it later so I'll try to find time to update this with the finished result!